As part of Putrajaya Perdana Berhad's ("PPB") Corporate Responsibility programme, we are pleased to inform you that PPB is again offering its annual Scholarship Awards 2011 for new and existing students who are currently pursuing their higher education in 1) Civil/Structural Engineering, 2) Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, 3) Quantity Surveying or 4) Building/Construction Management in your university.
PPB is a construction company with over 20 years of experience in the industry. PPB is also renowned for its expertise in building sustainable buildings in the country such as Low Energy Office ("LEO") for the Ministry Energy, Green Technology and Water, the Green Energy Office for Malaysia Green Energy Corporation, the Diamond Building for Suruhanjaya Tenaga in Putrajaya, the 2C2 green office suites in Putrajaya and the Headquarters of Sarawak Energy Berhad.
With the aim to assist the young deserving and needy Malaysian students who would otherwise be denied of higher education due to financial constraint, PPB launched this programme five years ago and many students have benefitted from this programme since.